发布时间:2020-09-09 来源: 作者:






检索类型:SCI、EI、Scopus、IEEE Xplore


主办单位:Al Madianh International University




Prof.Wael Yafooz

Dean, Faculty computer and information technology, Al Madianh International University, Malaysia

Speech Title: Important of Data Management in 4 Industrial Revolution (4 IR)

Speech Abstract:  The concept of data management is the practice of storing, validating and processing required data to accessibility and reliability of data for its users. The data sources come across web and social services, IoT, sensing, transactions of any online organizations, machines, so on. These huge amounts of data can be found in the servers into structured, unstructured and semi-structured. Moreover, these data are stored few categories such, graph based, documents based, key value based and column based. The purpose of data management is not a goal in itself, rather than the key to innovation and knowledge discovery and to integration and reuse after the data publication process. Many organizations and governmental agencies are beginning to require data management and plans for various experiments. Beyond the collection of data and archival, it includes to ‘long-term care’ that is valuable digital assets .

Organizations gather unstructured data such internal sources (e.g., sensor data) and external sources (e.g., social media). Therefore, from the emergence of data management technologies and analytics enabled the organizations to process data in their business and innovative processes. One of the techniques is facial recognition technology that empowers to acquire intelligence about store traffic, composition of customers, and store movement patterns. These information’s are invaluable of leveraged to decisions product promotions, staffs and for placement [2]. In fact, the traditional data management systems assuming by a user query, that they have enough knowledge of the schema, contents and meaning, and certain the query they wanted to pose, thereafter, the system tries to produce complete and correct results. To handle the sensor data in structural monitoring applications, traditional relational database management systems (RDBMS) employs, however little efforts devoted of data management for fundamental issues. For storing, managing and retrieving large scale of data, Apache H-Base, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB noted as NoSQL (Not only SQL) database tools have designed to handle unstructured data. NoSQL database systems are significant rather than RDBMS for flexibility and scalability. For sensor network data to handling and managing, Apache Cassandra shown a better performance of scalability from massive IoT data which is NoSQL system . Apache Cassandra supports large scale of data management and processing as well. In this talk, will talk about the important of data management  and the technquies that help in data mining and discover the insight from huge amount of data.



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Dr.Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Khasawneh

Al-Madinah International University / Faculty of Computer and Information Technology

Speech Title:  IOT Opportunities and Challenges

Speech Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) entails a connectivity extension into a bigger range of human environment. It allows more data comprehensions, analytics as well as competences of control of the world. In many ways, IoT has impacted the lives of man. Indeed, the possible prospects of IoT have been explored by many. As IoT has greater capacity and interconnectedness, many have begun to employ IoT as replacement of previous technologies. Accordingly, among the novel initiatives driven by IoT technologies include Society 5.0 in Japan, Smart and Connected Communities in USA, and PICASSO (ICT Policy, Research, and Innovation for a Smart Society) in EU. All these initiatives are part of the scrutiny of future concepts that are important to both the culture and the society made possible with the technologies of IOT.

Through IoT, consumers are presented with services and products that are innovative, at the time, place and in the manner that they desire. As IoT technologies improve in terms of reliability, affordability, extend of coverage, and in terms of its customization ability, the trend is expected to accelerate. Somehow, there are foundational obstacles currently facing IoT. Among these obstacles include the demand for scientific principles for the creation of IoT system design that is strong, hardy, and foreseeable, in addition to the demand for engineering principles for the construction of IoT open-systems that are scalable, verifiable, and trusted, as well as the need for human-centric principles for system engineering with the application of IOT.


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Prof.Zainab Abu Bakar

Al-Madinah International University, Computer Science

Speech Title: Empowering Information Retrieval in Semantic Web

Speech Abstract: Information Retrieval was the center of stage for the library until the inception of Web 1.0 that was defined as search and passive in nature. Then the emergence of Web 2.0 that encouraged community, social interaction and user-generated content. Web 3.0 is a recent phenomenon and is known as “3D Web or Semantic Web”. The term "Semantic Web" is often used more specifically to refer to the formats and technologies that enable it. While, Web 4.0: Ultra Intelligent Electronic Agents Interaction between humans and machines.

Semantic technology encodes meanings separately from data and content files, and as well as separately from application codes. This enables machines as well as people to understand, share and reason with them at execution time. With semantic technologies, adding, changing and implementing new relationships or interconnecting programs in a different way can be just as simple as changing the external model that these programs share. Given an information need, semantic technologies can directly search, capture, aggregate, and make deduction in order to satisfy the need. 

This paper present a theoretical and developmental framework of knowledge representation for ensemble semantic technology base on ontology, semantic Web, and logical model, a connectivity framework and technology of distributed communicating system formalism based on ensemble intelligent agents to share knowledge through message passing technique and a theoretical and developmental framework for knowledge discovery which include knowledge aggregation engine to combine, normalize and summarize related information from various disparate sources to serve information needs.

These theoretical and developmental frameworks empowers Web 3.0 and embrace Web 4.0. We might still well be in Web 3.0 but 4.0 is coming and it's coming fast. 


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A Prof.Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Speech Title: to be add...

Speech Abstract: to be add...


随着科技的巨大进步和计算机信息、通讯技术等的迅速发展,特别是5G技术的兴起,通信技术、信息系统和计算机工程等领域在未来的很长时间都将处于技术研发升级中,无论是理论研究者还是技术实践人员,都希望有更多的学习与交流机会。鉴于此,Al Madianh International University, Malaysia和AEIC(学术交流中心)联合主办第二届年通信、信息系统和计算机工程国际学术会议(CISCE2020)。会议期间将围绕网络和信息安全、5G通信和网络,智能移动设备设计,编码和信号处理,计算机与人工智能等研究领域展开专题交流,全面解析相关政策,关注行业热点问题、行业技术创新情况和未来发展方向。会议将邀请国内外相关领域的著名学者展示通信、信息系统和计算机工程的研究动态,交流研究心得和未来设想,分享研究的新思路新手段,结识新朋友,拓展新思维。热忱欢迎您参会并报告交流!


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1、【IEEE会议】征集通信、信息系统和计算机相关主题的论文,经评审后,所录用的论文由 IEEE CS  (Conference Publishing Services) 出版,并提交至 IEEE Xplore、EI Compendex、Scopus检索。


2.【SCI】 期刊(投稿时备注【“会议简称”】将享有优先审稿及录用)




2)Journal of Computer and System Sciences (ISSN: 0022-0000),IF: 1.678

3)ACM Transactions on the Web (ISSN: 1559-1131), IF=1.526

4)Cognitive Systems Research (ISSN: 1389-0417), IF=1.182





日期 时间 内容
2020年7月3日 13:00-17:00    报名注册    

09:00-12:00  主题报告
12:00-14:00     午餐时间
14:00-17:30      口头报告
18:00-19:30  晚宴
2020年7月5日 09:00-18:00    学术考察


VLSI Circuits and Systems Design/超大规模集成电路和系统设计

Network and Information Security/网络和信息安全

RF Front-End Circuits and Systems/射频前端电路和系统

Intelligent Mobile Device Design/智能移动设备设计

Coding and Signal Processing/编码和信号处理

Wearable Technology/可穿戴技术

Microwave/MM-Wave/THz Circuits and Syste/微波/毫米波/太赫兹电路和系统

Internet of Things and Big data/物联网与大数据

Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence/计算机视觉与人工智能

5G Communication and Network/5G通信和网络

Green Communication Systems/绿色通信系统

Communication Device Modeling/通信设备建模

EMC and Antenna Design/电磁兼容与天线设计


大会秘书处 :王老师



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